LED Light Therapy for Acne
LED Light Therapy for Acne is an incredibly effective and affordable non-surgical treatment for acne reduction.
The innovative technique enables acne removal without side effects, pain, or recovery time.
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A single session of LED Light Therapy for Acne requires at least 30 minutes at the clinic.
While even a single session is sufficient for successful outcomes, a course of multiple treatments is recommended for the best results.
In most cases, the results are visible immediately. However, depending on the condition of the skin and the density of the acne, results may take a few days to become visible.
The results of LED Light Therapy for Acne are potentially long-term, lasting a few months from a single treatment session.
An LED (light–emitting diode) mask is placed over the face, delivering target light waves to activate skin cells, which help with anti-ageing, anti-acne and anti-pigmentation.
Blue LED is (430-450nm) primarily used to kill acne-causing bacteria.
The treatment is finished off with active serum applied to the face.
Happy Customers
1,663 Reviews and CountingMobina carried out this treatment and she is v knowledgable, professional and attentive throughout. I’ve got my next appointment booked & can’t wait to see the results after that session.
I would highly recommend this treatment and Mobina.